此次学术大讲堂的题目为:Catalytic oxidative dehydrogenation of 1-butene to 1 3-butene using CO2 as soft oxidant。储伟教授参与主持,刘长军副教授、敬方梨副研究员、周艳萍副研究员等老师以及化工学院、化学学院等相关学院一百余学生聆听本次邀请讲座。
刘艳老师从正丁烯氧化生成1 3-丁二烯研究背景出发,指出常规氧化制备存在的缺点和不足,创造性提出以CO2作为弱氧化剂催化氧化制备1 3-丁二烯。该工作用Fe2O3/Al2O3作为催化剂,分别与单一的Fe2O3和Al2O3催化剂比较,得出Fe2O3/Al2O3催化剂具有良好的选择性和稳定性。该方法在研究CO2捕集利用中史无前例。报告最后,刘艳教授展望生物质在1 3-丁二烯制备的应用前景,提出进一步研究的目标和方向。
LIU Yan is a Senior Scientist in Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences, A*Star, in Singapore, a Team Leader in Material Synthesis Team under Heterogeneous Catalysis Group. Yan graduated from Zhengzhou University in 1995 with Master degree in Chemistry, obtained her PhD in Chemical Engineering in 1998 at Tianjin University and then carried out postdoctoral studies at State Key Laboratory of Catalysis in Dalian with Prof LI Can, worked in ICES since 2001. Dr LIU Y has published near 100 articles in journals and proceedings (ChemSusChem, Journal of Catalysis, J Phys Chem C, Langmuir, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Appl. Catalysis A and B, Catalysis Today, Catal. Commun., RSC Advances, Catal. Lett., etc). She achieved 3 Chinese patents and 5 international patents.
李根 审稿